Use "carer|carers" in a sentence

1. Nouns for Careful include care, carefreeness, carefrontation, carefrontations, Carefulness, Carefulnesses, carelessness, carelessnesses, carer, carers, cares

2. Carefulnesses caregiver caregivers caregiving: caregivings careless careless(p) carelessest carelessly carelessness (current term) carelessnesses careline carelines careme: caremes carer carers cares caresite caress caressed caresser caressers caresses

3. Carefulnesses caregiver caregivers caregiving caregivings: careless careless(p) carelessest carelessly carelessness carelessnesses (current term) careline carelines careme caremes: carer carers cares caresite caress caressed caresser caressers caresses caressing

4. 28 There are also a number of articulate carers, whose visibility is enhanced by the work of the Carers National Association.

5. Firstly, who cares for the carers?

6. When Labour Clapped for our carers, we meant it

7. Childminders : Childminders are professional carers who are registered with OFSTED

8. Caretakers Cuidadores Les donneurs de soins Carers Caretakers Caretakers Caretakers

9. Finally, Estonia introduced 5 additional carers' leave days (remunerated at the minimum wage).

10. There are other reasons for the predominance of women carers, even after retirement.

11. 13 Some carers and dependants find it difficult to adapt to a role reversal .

12. Sometimes a carer is clearly identified by being a spouse, or already resident in the same house.

13. Abc Account; Parents and Carers; Legal Policies and Guidelines; Product Updates; New and trending articles

14. Asmile: 'a Statewide Mental Illness Learning Exchange’ for consumers, carers, friends and clinicians

15. There may be unacceptable ageism in some, negative attitudes towards carers in others.

16. 25 Some carers and dependants find it difficult to adapt to a role reversal .

17. 12 This is despite the acknowledgement that carers' issues transcend health and social care boundaries.

18. Ambulant disabled supporters are charged at the appropriate age price with a free carer if required

19. Consequently they also illustrated higher rates of psychological anxiety and stress than spouse carers.

20. Many carers report that often, their employers don't have adequate policies in place to support them.

21. Frequently for a carer, personal needs take second place to the hard physical and mental effort required for the dependant.

22. Nasty carer Bawled 'your mum's dead' at confused old lady in catalogue of outrageous behaviour

23. Another important subdivision of the informal caring population must be made concerning the relationship between carer and dependant.

24. Print MPs doubt supermarket scheme to spot carers Using supermarkets to identify carers has been described as a "Bemusing" and "nonsense headline-grabbing idea" by members of the health select committee.BBC News - Home

25. for example if your carers are in need of some rest due to illness or an accident .

26. Information on the vulnerable age range of children (less than 12 months) shall be provided to carers.

27. Full account will be taken of the comments of the Convention including those in relation to carers.

28. Millions of carers argue that they bear the brunt of the job ... without recognition, or proper payment.

29. Indeed, it is very likely that the process varies with the relationship between the carer and dependant.

30. The carer then asks the patient to clasp his hands together, and helps him to do this.

31. Bild is continuing to provide small group sessions, via Zoom, for family members and carers of people with learning disabilities…

32. In addition the article provides an overview of the reality of care and perception of patients and carers.

33. Avow works with charities, voluntary and community groups, social enterprises, trustees, individual volunteers, carers and service users.

34. Increased integration of the patient and carers is encouraged, combatting the isolation which has frequently preceded referral.

35. Patients and their carers would have a realistic choice freed from fears of favouritism and unfair influence.

36. 11 The length of the day can obviate much of the good accomplished in day care for both the sufferer and the carer.

37. More often, of course, separation involves a younger carer giving up the role, about which there is often profound ambivalence.

38. A Cardiologist is also required to deal with carers and direct patient contact, in difficult and stressful situations

39. Secondly, hemiplegic patients often have difficulties eating, chewing and swallowing, and this can seem repulsive to the carer.

40. Asmile Asmile: a Statewide Mental Illness Learning Exchange for consumers, carers, friends and clinicians … those caring about mental health

41. Third, carers have power over dependent vulnerable relatives regardless of the stress of caring, and that power can be misused.

42. Catheterisation training courses are aimed at professionals such as nurses, doctors and carers working in a healthcare setting

43. This situation is exacerbated by the inadequacy of current social security provision, for both disabled people and informal carers.

44. Overall the effects of caring obviously vary considerably depending upon the relationship and residential relationship of carer and dependant.

45. 30 Secondly, hemiplegic patients often have difficulties eating, chewing and swallowing, and this can seem repulsive to the carer.

46. Capon said the Putticks had recently been on holiday to Mrs Puttick's native Japan with an "army" of carers and luggage.

47. Another important finding of the study was the confusion and ambivalence which these carers exhibited in relation to role reversal.

48. They are an author of BDSM erotica, parent and carer but becoming a Bootblack was a defining moment for them as it’s lead to all sorts of adventures.

49. Alarm systems for relaying data or information electronically to a third party, a carer, a mobile communication device or a website

50. The guidance is for people who are Clinically extremely vulnerable, including children and it also applies to their family, friends and carers

51. There is no doubt that many older people and their carers will look towards their doctors when illness and poor health intervene.

52. Clap for carers: Applauding the NHS – in pictures People in Stratford, east London join in national applause for the NHS from their doorsteps.

53. As well as being his main carer, Freaney also looked after her three other children - who suffered hyper-activity disorder, dyspraxia and Asperger's syndrome - and her elderly mother.

54. Elderly Amputee with one leg amputated above the knee being taken for a walk in a wheelchair by his wife or carer

55. An Arboriculturist, also known as an arborist, is a professional tree carer who utilizes specific methods to ensure that the trees in their care are happy and healthy

56. Caring role • Family relationships were also felt to suffer, with l6 carers specifically mentioning the friction and tension caused by their Caring role

57. 20 The length of the day can obviate much of the good accomplished in day care for both the sufferer and the carer.

58. Those whose dementia progresses rapidly or who suddenly become unmanageable because of aggression or death of the carer have no hope of admission.

59. Aspect Podcasts 'a different brilliant' with Orion Kelly, Aspect podcasts made for Autistic adults and parents or carers of kids on the autism spectrum

60. We are confident The Chantry School establishes a strong, purposeful and positive partnership with parents and carers, to ensure your child’s wellbeing, happiness and success.

61. Mixer maker fined 10,000 [pounds sterling] after worker loses fingers Fiona Beare organised the campaign to save the Garden Village Post Office and until recently was a full-time carer.

62. Contrariwise November 2, 2019 · Blogs To Carers of Persons Living with Dementia Posted November 2, 2019 Mental Health Education Admin The diagnosis of dementia is heavy- …

63. Befriending helps carers feel less isolated by bringing companionship, a listening ear and by helping the discovery of new interests, offering the befriendee an opportunity to have fun

64. VICTIMS will be able to "ban Abusers from pub" according to new law which was set up in memory of a carer murdered by her husband

65. Experienced carer wanted to help support charming couple at home in Derry (Cityside) with:- basic meal prepara tion- light housework- keeping both safe and well looked Aftermostly weekend hours required for good rate of pay and training.

66. But can even the most responsible of families and carers be trusted to supervise such technology day in and day out for years on end, to stop accidents happening?

67. The aim of this section is to help and support parents/carers choose the right childminder, and for Childminders - and potential Childminders - to get the help and support they need

68. Experienced carer wanted to help support charming couple at home in Derry (Cityside) with:- basic meal prepara tion- light housework- keeping both safe and well looked Aftermostly weekend hours required for good rate of pay and training.

69. There are three potential types of refuge provision : refuge in fixed premises , dedicated refuge staff who could stay with the runaway in temporary accommodation , and specially trained refuge foster carers .

70. The report was based on scrutiny of anonymised special care applications and their supporting documents, interviews with social workers, children, parents/carers, staff from the special care units, guardians ad litem and solicitors.

71. A special administrative body is charged with the further development of activities in the field of home help. Finally, the law further clarifies the legal position of home carers and helpers.

72. The World Health Organization concluded that the long-term studies'findings converged with others in " relieving patients, carers and clinicians of the Chronicity paradigm which dominated thinking throughout much of the 20th century ."

73. Asmile aims to improve consumer, carer and community understanding of mental health diagnosis and hospitalization processes, the psychological issues surrounding mental health, social guidance on financial, legal and employment matters, treatment options, discussion of the medications used to …

74. Amalthea is a figure in Greek mythology who appears during the story of the childhood of Zeus, for Amalthea was one of the carers of Zeus upon Crete, although whether Amalthea was a nymph or a she-goat is an oft debated point.

75. Rehabilitation Counselling for people with a disability, health condition or social disadvantage; school Counselling; veterans Counselling (for example, by Open Arms — Veterans and Families Counselling) Counselling for older people; Counselling for children, teenagers and young adults (for example, by Kids Helpline) carers’ Counselling

76. Equally, I should like to say to all the hospitaliers, the brancardiers and the carers who come from every diocese in France and from further afield, and who throughout the year attend the sick who come on pilgrimage to Lourdes, how much their service is appreciated.

77.  · Acyetic care carer clean clinic community health cooperative cooperativeness elderly elderly care female format fostering health health care helpful helpfulness home homes hospital hospitals hygiene hygienic in in-patient in-patients inpatient inpatients job jobs male male nurse mcphoto nurse nurses nursing nursing home old old peoples home old

78. ‘The Cruel act has shocked animal carers in Swindon, who say they are sickened by the deed.’ ‘History will judge the actions of your government as Cruel and barbaric.’ ‘A I think it's natural in the human spirit to be loving and kind but clearly humans can easily be incited to be evil and Cruel.’

79. ‘The Cruel act has shocked animal carers in Swindon, who say they are sickened by the deed.’ ‘History will judge the actions of your government as Cruel and barbaric.’ ‘A I think it's natural in the human spirit to be loving and kind but clearly humans can easily be incited to be evil and Cruel.’